Wednesday 23 May 2012

Event speaker

My worker told me I had to attend this motivational speaker thing so I'm in the theatre waiting for it to start. I wouldn't really mind except my tub is still broken so I'm all dirty :-(  I had to leave the house with greasy hair and everything and it really sucks. Oh well, home soon...hopefully I can take a shower sometime soon!

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Bored and restless

I've been up for a few hours now just doing my own thing. My husband is still sleeping so I'm a little bored but I'm really glad that he's actually kinda been sleeping a lot lately. He usually never  sleeps and it worries me.

I, on the other hand have been waking up early all the time lately...for no reason. Its really stand and not at all normal for me.

Up early, waiting

I had to set an alarm to wake myself up before 9 because that's when my friend is coming to drop off the drain snake: before she heads to work. But she's late and I'm hoping she didn't forget about me...might have to wait until tonight to fix the tub. I need to shower so bad!

Monday 21 May 2012

Finally cooling off

As night falls it is finally cooling off in my apartment. I don't have an air conditioner and the past two days have been HOT! I've even been missing myself work a water bottle to try to get some relief. I'd love to be able to take a shower and cool off but my tub has been severely clogged since last night. I have a friend bringing over a drain snake tomorrow so hopefully that works! At least it won't be so hot tomorrow...

My first blog post!

So here is my first ever blog post!

I'm really excited to start this and the other blogs I plan on starting up. I wanted to have somewhere to rant and also to share my knowledge, experience and journey with other people so they can learn from it...or at least get a good laugh. :) 

I'll be using this blog to talk about pretty much anything and everything going on in my life
